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Present with Life. The Power of Now!


"As humanity learns to step away from the noice, quiet our minds and enjoy a new way of being with ourselves... gentle whispers begin to reveal the 'ahas' and truths that underly lifes' ups, down and neutral emotions. Truths reveal that it is with our creative spirits that our planet and all social and economic systems emerged, and carried humanity this far. And that each in a special way continue to form experiences which ultimately drive our each of our hearts and seed curiousities intended to help us learn, evolve and grow.


To grow is to seek higher understanding and make loving choices that value who we are. It is time for al of us to embrace and work with infinate possibilities and the invisible forces that embody the good of all.


Only loving choices can move humanity forward. Loving choices flow within the invisible presence of our cosmic universe. Love and truth are magically discovered when we choose to be mindful, whole and present." - Author, Kaethe Kelly, Think It Up! Books



Let's Uplift Self-Worth Now!


Love is the most powerful tool for learning, creating healthy relationships and developing one's self-worth.


In every NOW moment, common sense reveals that there is no rhyme or reason to fix yesterday. As experiences pass, they gift us with valuable memories and the wisdom to grow.


In each NOW moment we have the magical ability to 'Notice Our Focus' and make choices that honor the true Spirits we are.

It's An Uplifting New World!


As this fresh new millennium continues to emerge, it's easy to recognize the millions of people who are suddenly more 'curious and awakening' throughout the world. They are hearing and making choices that honor 'their calls from within.'


From all ages and cultures, people are CRAVING opportunity for their spirits to be encouraged rather than broken. They are seeking creative ways to utilize all of their divine gifts, passions and the powers they were born with and carry inside.  



Experience All that You Are!


Like adults, children are not meant 'to be' focused on perfection. They are meant to be inspired, purposeful and feel WHOLE.


'Wholeness' means that we are more than a mind, more than a body, more than a soul and more than a spirit. Our true divine essence is a powerfully magnificent  and harmonious structure of all.

Intentionally Creating Our Realities


It is only with a happy spirit that we are able to awaken our own personal power. Like computer programmers, our emotions and visions are magically at work, moving our vibrations in directions that form our individual realities.

In each present moment, all choices are seeded from love or fear. In turn, it is only through vibrations of love that space for effective teaching, learning, achieving and doing can be formed or created.


I created Think It Up! books, knowing that at the core of every NOW

moment are basic thoughts and choices that allow children to become aware of their own endless possibilities, as well. To have the chance to be educated with the 'know how' to manifest miracles and desires into creation.   





The Essential Emotional Link


It is essential NOW for more and more emotional mindful "well-being"concepts' to be created and included in our instructional spaces. It is time to create opportunities

and space to 'know and be' the Spirits we truly are.


A space for children to freely center themselves (to be encouraged to ask, believe and receive) from the "All- Knowing Universe and our higher conscious state

of mind.

Fresh Universal Educational Tools


THINK IT UP! can-do handbooks offer 144 vibrant pages of positive messages and confident self-talk that guide children to their inner power, divine gifts and wholeness.


They share universal concepts that children and mentors

can ponder,get excited about... and easily GRASP for a

lifetime to come.




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